Favorite Breakfast

I will be the first to admit that I used to eat some pretty unhealthy things for breakfast. Going to McDonald's for breakfast had become a daily occurrence. A biscuit sandwich rinsed down with an ice cold coca cola. Gross!  Since changing my eating habits, I have searched high and low to fill that breakfast void. Currently my favorite breakfast is this biscuit sandwich. Wow. It is so filling and delicious. Did I say healthy too??!!!
You can fill it anyway that you like. I love adding nitrite/gluten free bacon and egg to my sandwich. But occasionally having it warm out of the oven with honey-butter or some homemade pumpkin butter is also very tasty. They are incredibly easy to make and only a few ingredients!

Paleo Biscuit

* 1 cup almond flour
* 4 egg whites
* 5 Tbs cold butter cut into chunks
* 1 tsp baking powder
* 1/2 tsp salt

In a mixer (or with a fork) combine the butter and almond flour until you have little pea-sized bits of butter distributed into the flour.  Add the egg whites, salt, and baking powder. Mix to combine. If the batter doesn't seem stiff enough to retain its shape while baking, add more almond flour a little at a time until it does. Scoop the batter into 4 even portions and place onto a greased baking sheet. Bake at 350F for about 20 minutes until slightly golden.

I found this recipe here:


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